Tough Guys

TOUGH GUYS ministry exists to bring wholeness to men. We endeavor to remove the hindrances in men’s lives that keep them from fulfilling their destinies as husbands, fathers and leaders in the Church and society. This is accomplished through life changing seminars, providing Biblically based tools for change, and personal ministry.

TOUGH GUYS ministry desires to be a supplement and support for local church men’s ministries, not to compete. We believe all ministry should be to build the Kingdom of God in the lives of His people and ultimately in society.

  • T = Teachable – ready to learn truth about God and ourselves
  • O = Open – in mind and spirit to Godly change
  • U = Uncompromising – in witness and integrity
  • G = Growing – in every area of our lives
  • H = Humble – recognizing our need for Christ in all things
  • G = Going – forward advancing the Kingdom
  • U = United – in mind and purpose
  • Y = Yielded – to the Spirit of God
  • S = Serving – in obedience to our Savior

Current Seminars Offered

  • Freedom From Shame 
  • Becoming Pure Men 
  • Breaking Financial Bondages 
  • Transformation for Destiny

For more information, download our TOUGH GUYS Brochure and/or join our TOUGH Guys Email List to receive information on men’s issues and seminars.