Hi, we are Barry and Sandra Falkenstine. Here are a few things you should know about us:

- We were Senior Pastors of a church in York, Pennsylvania for 13 years.
- We minister together as an apostolic/prophetic team to equip, train, and activate the saints of God into their respective ministries.
- Our heartbeat is to see God’s people set free to be all that God has created them to be and to fulfill their purpose within God’s eternal purpose.
- We are anointed to prophetically minister the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and to bring encouragement and counsel to the people of God.
- We have ministered together internationally in Jamaica, Sweden, Russia, England and Germany. Sandra has also ministered in Nigeria, India, Trinidad, Tobago, and France.
- We have been ministering Restoring the Foundations (RTF) since 1994.
- We are qualified Healing House Network Ministers, trainers, seminar presenters and church developers.
- We have ministered RTF in the church setting in the United States, England, Germany and Jamaica.
- We currently reside in Macungie, PA which is on the eastern side of Pennsylvania near Allentown and Bethlehem, and can be contacted on our contact us page.
- For more information about us please visit our biographies page.